Thursday, July 15, 2010

I am still alive!

I guess I've just been so busy that I kind of forgot about my blog! So I guess it's time to update!

First of all, my birthday (June 25th) was awesome! Some of my friends from college: Catherine, Lauren, Aimee, Emilee and Alyssa all came down to stay with me for the weekend! It was so much fun :)
Unfortunately, despite asking for this weekend off in advance, Hannaford did not give me the weekend off... so, just as he always is, my friend Kyle was there to save the day and he took my shift on Friday, which was my birthday.. such a good friend. I couldn't find anyone to take my Saturday shift because everyone and their mother was working on that day... So I had to work 1:15 to 7:30. But, yet again, Kyle was there to help me.. he worked 11 to 7 that day and he told me he would stay til 7:30 for me so I could leave at 7. I mean.. it was only half an hour, but still.. half an hour is better than nothing!
Again.. seriously, how awesome is he? so awesome. :)
Here are a few pictures that we took over the weekend:

One thing that I had to do that was.. not so much fun.. was when I had to go to Portland with my mom to give depositions to lawyers and other Court room people about my dad dying of Mesothelioma/Asbestos cancer. If you've ever seen those advertisements on TV about families who have lost someone to Mesothelioma/Asbestos cancer.. and they may be entitled to get money.. well thats what we're doing. My mom and I couldn't be in the room together.. she went first.. I sat there for 3 1/2 hours... I was SO bored.
To make a long story short, I finally went in.. I sat next to my lawyer, and there was a Court Reporter there and like 8 or 9 other lawyers.. most of them were the lawyers representing the companies that made/make things with asbestos in it, and they're the ones fighting against the families so they don't have to give anyone any money.
So, it was scary and upsetting. You're not allowed to say "I don't know".. and there were questions that they asked me that I really had NO idea what to say.. so I probably sounded like an idiot at some points.
It was hard though, being questioned about something thats really hard for me to talk about, but thats done now, and now I think we're waiting to see if we need to go back again and then I think they decide on whether we get money or not.. cross your fingers we get money!

Not much else has really happened thats been really exciting. I've basically just been working everyday at good ole hannaford.. and still doing my internship for speech therapy every Wednesday morning 8 to 12.. which I love doing!

Also, unfortunately.. I'm not going to be leasing the horse, Carlos, that I talked about in a blog a while ago.. Its like half way through the summer and I still haven't even started the lease.. it seems kind of pointless to me to keep waiting.. so I'll just lease next summer.. no problem. I mean I miss riding.. SOO much, but once I went to college.. its so hard to find time and a horse and everything now :(
On a brighter note.. my mom and I are looking at jet skis to buy! I am SOO excited :) We sold our pontoon boat, speed boat and jet ski last year because we were planning on getting all newer ones. Well we're finally looking at jet skis! And we will most likely get our speed boat next summer! :)

Another thing that happened thats exciting (to me at least) is that my friend, Kyle, took my car for the day last weekend and did a few more things to it for me :)
He 'professionally' painted my brake calipers red, making them look like they're aftermarket brakes! ('professionally' meaning he didn't just spray paint them with red paint.. he used a kit specifically for painting them red) and it looks SO good!
He also tinted my front passenger window, because when him and my other friend Ryan had done it before they crinkled the sheet of tint and then they couldn't use it.. so now all 4 windows are finally tinted! (front 2 windows are 20% and the back 2 windows are 5%)
And he also touched up the black paint on my rims from when we painted them black in August of 2009.. there were a few chips in them so they needed some touching up, but now they look awesome again!
I also got two short blue neon light bars to go under the dash in my car so that there's blue neon glow on the floors in my car! My power outlet in my car doesn't work, probably because of a blown fuse.. so once I get that fixed, Kyle is putting in the neon lights for me :)

Here's a couple pictures of the outside of my car after he painted my brake calipers, tinted my window and touched up my rims.. oh and he also cleaned it for me!:

Looks sooo good :)

Thats pretty much all that's been happening in my life.. I'll be sure to try and blog more often!